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Post Event Struggle is real.....

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

Do you struggle post Event?

- fatigue

- desire to run

- fitness levels

Well let me tell you that’s perfect normal. for some you, you may be struggling through runs, feeling tired or not running at all following a recent event

you did.

So as was documented on my Instagram @robmcrunning

last year with me, I had exactly that and it resulted in me forcing myself out each day which I have never had to do, it hurt, I didn’t want to go and I thought it was me.. well no! It’s a really common thing. The effort and months of slogging away to

Event day really takes it toll.. that’s why only a small % of population have completed it!

If this sounds like you then reach out, get a new plan, or just chat about it.. maybe start with a ParkRun or something to get yourself moving again.

It’s time to pick up the momentum again and make the next 3 months better!

If you carried on! Well done! You are stronger than you know!

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